Food Drive

Community Food Drive

The Bellevue Farmers Market will be hosting a food drive to benefit Metro school students in need on Saturday, March 28th. The food drive will be located in the front of Bellevue Middle School.

With school being out for an extended amount of time, many families are struggling. Our goal is to be a resource to help these families out by providing some kid friendly meals and snacks (see graphic below). While we will have donations available to families on the day of the drive, we are also coordinating with Metro Schools to insure that donations are received by families that may not be able to attend the food drive.

How the “contact-less” food drive will work:

Donations: 10am to Noon

Those wishing to donate non-perishable food should have the items in the trunk or rear of their car or SUV. There will be a drive-thru system established. As you pull up to the donation tent, simply pop your trunk or open your rear gate and a volunteer will take your food donation (please have your donations bagged or boxed for convenience). The volunteer will close your trunk and you can drive away!

To Receive Food: 1pm to 3pm

The process for receiving food will work the same way as described above. Simply pull through the drive up line, pop your trunk and receive the donation!

Bellevue Middle School is located at 655 Colice Jeanne Rd, Nashville, TN 37221

Questions? Email or call Jeremy at 615.593.5172