Rules & Regulations
- Farm Vendors who wish to sell at the market must agree to have their farm visited by a member of The BFM management staff. The BFM is a PRODUCER ONLY market. NO exceptions will be made.
- All products sold by producers must be grown, raised, or produced within the Tennessee Valley region.
- Non-Farm Vendors must make the product they intend to sell. Non-farm vendor items may include baked goods, jams & jellies, and the like.
- The BFM Management staff maintains the right to accept or deny any vendor. Acceptance will be at the discretion of management based on quality, origin of product, and relevance.
Vendors are required to be setup and ready for the market to open no later than 15 minutes prior to the market opening. Vendors will are NOT allowed to sell prior to the official market opening.
Vendors are required to stop selling at the official close of the market. All vendors must leave their selling area clean and free of any trash, boxes, or product. If the market has to clean up after you, you will be charged a fee of $15 that must be paid before you will be allowed to sell at the market again.
Vendors are required to stay at the market until it closes even if they have sold out. Any vendor that moves barriers that are blocking vehicle entrance or drives a vehicle into the market area prior to the market closing may be subject to immediate dismissal from the market. This is a public safety issue and is also a violation with the market permit and insurance terms.
Exceptions may be made on a case by case basis, but must be approved prior to taking down your booth. Vendors are required to be packed up and loaded no later than 45 minutes after the market closes.
Booth spaces are generally a 10’x10’ area. Vendors must supply their own tents (tents are required), tables, displays, chairs, etc. There is no electricity available at the market. Weekly vendors will generally be in the same location at the market.
All tents must be tied down with at least 5 lbs of weight for each corner. Cement blocks are not permitted due to tripping hazards and safety concerns. Tent stakes are also encouraged in conjunction with weights, but are not to be used in place of weights. Vendors are responsible for any damage caused to cars, patrons, the event their tent is blown by wind or storms.
All vendors must display signage or banners that clearly state the name of the business and origin of the product. Subletting of space is strictly prohibited. If you provide samples of your product, you must also provide trash receptacles for any refuse it may create.
Booths fees are 10% of total sales and will be collected at the close of the market. Fees are capped at $50.00 (Example, if you have $700 in total sales, booth fee will be $50.00)
The market will be held rain or shine. In the event of severe storms, the market may be cancelled. All vendors will be contacted via call/text, and the public will be notified by social media, email and our website. BFM management will try to make the call as early as possible in order to give everyone proper notice.
Vendors must provide proof of general liability coverage and name the market as an additional insured party. Proof of insurance will be due within one week prior to start of the 2020 market season. You can find various inexpensive options online by searching “Farmers Market Vendor Insurance”.
Each vendor is responsible for following all state and federal regulations that govern the production, labeling, sampling, or safety of the product the vendor has for sale at the market. Failure to comply may result in the revocation of rights to sell at the market.
All processed foods must comply with all applicable state and federal health and safety regulations. A copy of the commercial kitchen or domestic kitchen certificate must be displayed in the booth at all times. Proper labeling must be used on all packaging.
“Non-Potentially Hazardous Food” and “Potentially Hazardous Food” must adhere to the individual guidelines as described in the Tennessee Department of Agriculture’s Farmers Markets Compliance Guide
- Pricing of goods sold at the BFM is the responsibility of the vendor. To maintain the integrity of the marketplace, items should be priced at a fair market value. Dishonest, fraudulent, and deceptive merchandising or collusion to set prices among vendors may be grounds for dismissal from the event, and also forfeiture of the right to conduct business at the BFM.
- Vehicles and trucks are only allowed in the market area for unloading/loading before and after the BFM is open. During the hours of operation and while the BFM is in progress, all vehicles must remain in the designated parking areas. They are not permitted as part of the booth.
- Vendors that bring small children to the market must insure that the conduct of the children is not disruptive to customers or other vendors.
- You may only sell items that you list on your application.
- Vendors may not bring domestic pets or other animals to the market. The sale of live animals is strictly prohibited.
- The BFM management has the authority to change the market hours on special occasions.